Thursday, August 10, 2006

Rihanna Refuses To Flesh It Out For Photoshoots

Rihanna Refuses To Flesh It Out For Photoshoots.... Modest Rihanna refuses to wear skimpy clothes for videos and photoshoots because she's determined to impress with her music alone - just like her idol Alicia Keys.

The Barbados-born R&B star recently turned down a cover shoot for German magazine when she learned editors wanted her to go topless for the session.

She says, "I don't like to wear things (that are) too skimpy... If I do shorts on the bottom, it's gotta be something very conservative at the top.

If it's skimpy at the top, it's gotta be long jeans or something.

"I like to balance it out. I won't do short shorts and short top.

"That's what I admire so much about Alicia Keys. She became so successful off of just her music. She was really conservative about her style at first".

She explains, "I went to the beach and I had on a one-piece swimsuit with jeans, but the swimsuit, obviously, it had the back out and stuff, the sides out.

"They took the picture and they made it look like it was a top that was really revealing... There were call-in (radio) programmes about it... It was a big deal for, like, three weeks straight - talking about I'm not setting a good example".


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